Why Use A Broker?

Between all of the click bait and call-center online lenders inundating homebuyers with advertising, it can be difficult to know which home loan option is best suited for you! Now more than ever, consumers shopping for home loan options are discovering that #brokersarebetter when compared with the large, corporate institutional lenders and banks.

By selecting a lending professional that can actually shop rates and programs for them, they win. Big.

Want to know WHY brokers are better? Read the FACTS below:

Brokers Are Your Advocate

1. Brokers aren't captive to any one bank or lender but rather, can serve your interests freely. They shop, you win.

2. They generally have access to more lenders & options, so if you have a unique need or challenge they are most likely to be able to help.

3. They can save you a lot of wasted time and effort by doing the shopping for you and giving you a comprehensive comparison. If they know one particular channel will be best suited for your unique situation, they can save you a lot of difficulty by setting things up right upfront.

4. Brokers can generally offer you lower fees & better rates, since they don't operate with the middle-management bloat of big mega lenders. Big lenders have to bake THEIR costs into YOUR rate & fees; we don't.

5. Brokers are free to operate with far less bureaucracy of the institutional banks and lenders which can then be passed on to you in the form of streamlined processes. Less red tape means less stress for you.